CenUSA Bioenergy produces a variety of videos and webinars on Feedstock Development, Feedstock Production, Feedstock Logistics, System Performance, Feedstock Conversion/Refining, and Markets and Distribution.
Our videos and webinars are available to view, embed and download from our own dedicated sites on Vimeo and YouTube. You can also link directly to the video/webinar by clicking on the titles listed below. If you have any questions about our videos and webinars, please send us an email to cenusa@iastate.edu.
Feedstock Development
- From our colleague, Keith Johnson at Purdue Extension, an excellent discussion with CenUSA Co-Project Directors Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS Nebraska) and Mike Casler (USDA-ARS Wisconsin) help make the case for perennial energy grasses as a feedstock for the growing bioeconomy.
Plant Breeding to Improve Yield and Sustainability of Perennial Grasses
- Michael Casler (Research Geneticist, USDA ARS), discusses characteristics of different switchgrasses, the perennial grass breeding process, and how plant breeding has been used to improve them for use as a biofuel feedstock as part of the CenUSA Bioenergy project. (4:34)
Entomology Research: Examining Insect Populations and Exploring Natural Plant Resistance
- Tiffany Heng-Moss (Entomology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) explains efforts to survey insect populations, explore natural resistance in feedstocks, and how these preliminary findings will ultimately benefit producers in the future. [4:07]
Plant Pathogen Risk Analysis for Bioenergy Switchgrass Grown in the Central USA
- Plant pathologist Gary Yuen (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) is studying various pathogens capable of infecting switchgrass, new switchgrass varieties, and their response to pathogen infection. [7:35]
Switchgrass and Perennial Grasses, Biomass and Biofuels - Part 1
- Ken Vogel (USDA-ARS) provides an overview of how switchgrass and other perennial grasses can provide the biomass needed to produce biofuels at the CenUSA Switchgrass Establishment Field Day held March 20, 2012, in Mead, Nebraska [32:24]
Switchgrass and Perennial Grasses, Biomass and Biofuels - Part 2
- Ken Vogel (USDA-ARS) continues his overview of how switchgrass and other perennial grasses can provide the biomass needed to produce biofuels at the CenUSA Switchgrass Establishment Field Day held March 20, 2012, in Mead, Nebraska [28:02]
Feedstock Production
- From our colleague, Keith Johnson at Purdue Extension, an excellent discussion with CenUSA Co-Project Directors Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS Nebraska) and Mike Casler (USDA-ARS Wisconsin) help make the case for perennial energy grasses as a feedstock for the growing bioeconomy.
Competition for Land Use: Why would the rational producer grow switchgrass for biofuel?
- Keri Jacobs (Economics, Iowa State Univ.) considers the current economics of switchgrass production in the Central United States and the fundamental challenges and opportunities that exist. [43:21]
- Susan Rupp (National Wildlife Federation) discusses 'Best Management Guidelines' for achieving wildlife sustainability during perennial herbaceous biomass production and harvest by producers and industry in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Northern Great Plains. Sponsored by CenUSA, SunGrant, and National Wildlife Federation. (53:20)
Plant Pathogen Risk Analysis for Bioenergy Switchgrass Grown in the Central USA
- Plant pathologist Gary Yuen (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) is studying various pathogens capable of infecting switchgrass, new switchgrass varieties, and their response to pathogen infection. [7:35]
Entomology Research: Examining Insect Populations and Exploring Natural Plant Resistance
- Tiffany Heng-Moss (Entomology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) explains efforts to survey insect populations, explore natural resistance in feedstocks, and how these preliminary findings will ultimately benefit producers in the future. [4:07]
Switchgrass Economics in the North Central Region of the USA
- Richard Perrin (Ag Economics, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) walks the viewer through switchgrass production costs, potential markets, and market values for switchgrass biomass. Dr. Perrin also discusses potential break even values for corn and switchgrass production on marginal land. [42:49]
Overview of Switchgrass Diseases
- Stephen Wegulo (Extension Plant Pathologist, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) and Gary Yuen (Plant Pathology, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) present an overview of switchgrass diseases and production constraints caused by weeds and insects. Among the diseases discussed are Panicum mosaic caused by a virus and rust and leaf spots caused by fungi. (48:37)
Optimizing Harvest of Perennial Grasses for Biofuel
- Kevin Shinners (Biological Systems Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin discusses new systems to harvest, handle, store and transport perennial grasses that will be used as biomass feedstocks. See the accompanying fact sheet" Optimizing Harvest Logistics of Perennial Grasses Used for Biofuel" cenusa_2019_002.pdf. [4:50]
How to Measure Stand Establishment Using a Grid
- John Guretzky ((Extension Educator, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln) demonstrates how to use a grid to measure perennial grass stand establishment. [9:04]
Harvesting Native Grass for Biofuel Production
- Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS) discusses the potential of switchgrass in biofuel production while demonstrating harvesting equipment usage. [2:57]
Switchgrass Establishment, Weed Control, and Seed Quality
- Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS) discusses switchgrass establishment, weed control, and seed quality at the March 20, 2012, CenUSA-Extension Switchgrass Establishment Field Day in Mead, Nebraska. [30:53]
Switchgrass Cost of Production
- Marty Schmer (Agroecosystem Management Research Unit, USDA-ARS) discusses switchgrass production costs. (33:59)
Switchgrass and Bioenergy Crop Logistics
- Stuart Birrell (Ag & Biosystems Engineering (Iowa State Univ.) discusses the logistics involved in producing and harvesting switchgrass and other bioenergy crops at the March 20, 2012 CenUSA Switchgrass Establishment Field Day in Mead, Nebraska. [36:43]
No-Till Drill Calibration Training
- Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS) discusses how to calibrate the Truax No-Till Drill Seeder at the CenUSA Switchgrass Establishment Field Day (Mar. 20, 2012) held in Mead, Nebraska. [20:05]
Switchgrass Planting Practices for Stand Establishment
- Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS) walks you through the keys to successful switchgrass establishment. [5:17]
Feedstock Logistics
Harvesting Native Grass for Biofuel Production
- Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS) discusses the potential of switchgrass in biofuel production while demonstrating harvesting equipment usage. [2:57]
Switchgrass and Bioenergy Crop Logistics
- Stuart Birrell (Ag & Biosystems Engineering (Iowa State Univ.) discusses the logistics involved in producing and harvesting switchgrass and other bioenergy crops at the March 20, 2012 CenUSA Switchgrass Establishment Field Day in Mead, Nebraska. [36:43]
System Performance
Enhancing the Mississippi Watershed with Perennial Bioenergy Crops
- Perennial grass energy crops can play a role in improving water quality. Learn how, when compared to row crops, perennial grasses have been shown to reduce runoff, erosion and nutrients by as much as 90%. (7:00)
Switchgrass Economics in the North Central Region of the USA
- Richard Perrin (Ag Economics, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) walks the viewer through switchgrass production costs, potential markets, and market values for switchgrass biomass. Dr. Perrin also discusses potential break even values for corn and switchgrass production on marginal land. [42:49]
Competition for Land Use: Why would the rational producer grow switchgrass for biofuel?
- Keri Jacobs (Economics, Iowa State Univ.) considers the current economics of switchgrass production in the Central United States and the fundamental challenges and opportunities that exist. [43:21]
- Susan Rupp (National Wildlife Federation) discusses 'Best Management Guidelines' for achieving wildlife sustainability during perennial herbaceous biomass production and harvest by producers and industry in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Northern Great Plains. Sponsored by CenUSA, SunGrant, and National Wildlife Federation. (53:20)
Switchgrass Cost of Production
- Marty Schmer (Agroecosystem Management Research Unit, USDA-ARS) discusses switchgrass production costs. (33:59)
Feedstock Conversion/Refining
Biochar: An Introduction to an Industry
- David Laird (Agronomy, Iowa State Univ.) provides an introduction to biochar, and research being done by CenUSA to investigate it's potential for use as a soil amendment. [4:42]
Biochar 101: An Intro to Biochar
- Kurt Spokas (Research Soil Scientist for USDA/ARS ) presents an introduction to biochar at the 2014 CenUSA Annual meeting. [14:51]
University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener Biochar Research Summary
- CenUSA Bioenergy is working with University of Minnesota Extension and their Master Gardener program to research the effects of biochar in home garden style test plots. Julie Weisenhorn (Extension Educator, Univ. of Minnesota) discusses project goals, preliminary results, and next steps. [4:15]
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Drop-In Biofuels
- Robert Brown (Bioeconomy Institute, Iowa State Univ.) discusses thermochemical processing of biomass to produce biofuels and bio-based products. [51:36]
Thermochemical Option: Biomass to Fuel
- Robert Brown (Bioeconomy Institute, Iowa State Univ.) discusses using thermochemical processes for production of liquid biofuels. [31:28]
Markets and Distribution
Commercialization Update: Opportunities for Perennial Biofeedstocks
- Rob Mitchell (USDA-ARS) discusses commercialization opportunities for switchgrass and other perennial biofeedstocks. [2:18]
Competition for Land Use: Why would the rational producer grow switchgrass for biofuel?
- Keri Jacobs (Economics, Iowa State Univ.) considers the current economics of switchgrass production in the Central United States and the fundamental challenges and opportunities that exist. [43:21]
Switchgrass Economics in the North Central Region of the USA
- Richard Perrin (Ag Economics, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln) walks the viewer through switchgrass production costs, potential markets, and market values for switchgrass biomass. Dr. Perrin also discusses potential break even values for corn and switchgrass production on marginal land. [42:49]
Switchgrass Production Industry Perspectives
- CenUSA Bioenergy Advisory Board member David Stock (President of Stock Seed Farms) provides an industry perspective to attendees of the CenUSA Switchgrass Establishment Field Day held March 2012, in Mead, Nebraska. [23:00]