June 28, 2016 - CenUSA updates Switchgrass Production Tool.
We have updated our Switchgrass Decision Tool. Click here to access the latest version (6/28/16) of the Tool Worksheet.
Questions? Send an email to cenusa@iastate.edu and we will send your question to our experts.
CenUSA Switchgrass Production Tool
CenUSA co-project director Keri Jacobs* has teamed with fellow CenUSA co-project Director Rob Mitchell** and CenUSA collaborator Chad Hart** to create:
To Grow or not to Grow: A Tool for Comparing Returns to Switchgrass for Bioenergy with Annual Crops and CRP
This tool is intended to give producers a guide to understanding best management practices for switchgrass production and also to compare the expected returns to switchgrass production with several alternative land uses.
The tool uses a worksheet format to allow producers to:
- Calculate Production Estimates
- Compare Per-Acre Net Returns
The tool is made up of two files, a Tool Instruction Guide (pdf) and the Tool Worksheet (Excel Worksheet, Rev. 6/28/16). In addition, a webinar, CenUSA Bioenergy Switchgrass Decision Tool has been produced by the UNL CropWatch: Bioenergy Webinar Series. Additional information is available at Estimated Cost of Establishment and Production of “Liberty” Switchgrass.
*Keri L. Jacobs, Assistant Professor & Extension Economist, Iowa State University, kljacobs@iastate.edu
**Rob Mitchell, Research Agronomist, USDA-ARS and Adjunct Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Rob.Mitchell@ars.usda.gov
***Chad E. Hart, Associate Professor & Extension Economist, Iowa State University, chart@iastate.edu